Dawn of Crafting: Though named with Crafting, it feels like more puzzle

Game link: https://goo.gl/jf1ahv I knew this game via reddit. I watched the video and screenshot and read the gameplay, and thought ”Wow, It’s looks cool ! I should try it! ” It is pay-to-play game and I really hesitated a while because I seldom pay for games, unless I love it lot. I found Dawn of Crafting really additive. I purchased in a Friday and spent all weekend on it. Indeed, I played over 40+ hours according the statics. I told me that I’ll sleep after I unlock one recipe, then I find another to unlock. So, it keeps me awake for long. Doc is about the story how a Homo sapiens become a master of crating. So, of course the core is crafting items. But unlike most crafting games, all recipes in this game are hidden from players, and you need to figure out how to craft thins by using the knowledge you learnt in real world. We all know that we could get a peeled stick by peel sticks with knife. And so does in game, you could craft peeled stick with knife ...