【Traditional Chinese rituals】Get rid of ghost in Chinese way

My grandma told me she sensed a soul of past people staying in my body, and then she ignited several(there plus one) incense sticks to draw the god's attention, asked many questions about the soul and its requirement to leave while using many sticks as sign of answer. Four dishes and ten Dajin (a kind of processed paper, which is used as money in the past world) are required, and we should send it 50 steps to the west.
We held the ritual at about 11pm to avoid meeting other people. Requirements of the ritual: several censers, incense sticks, ten Dajin, many dishes( seven this time, attention: no meat if your family god are Buddha), a mental basin to burn the paper, many chopsticks, several bowls of water, a knife, one red clothe each person.
  1. Ignite the incense sticks in front of the gods, put on the dishes and a bowl of water. My family enshrine all gods in the world, Kwan-yin (the Buddha named Avalokitesvara in Sanskrit), and Chairman Mao. We do not have the tabernacle of kitchen god, because we haven't invited him to the new house, so he and his wife's tabernacle are still in the former house.
    My grandma prays to the gods to ask the gods helping me get rid of the soul, so is my mom.
  2. Ignite the incense sticks in front of the soul around the door, and put on the dishes (four). They burn the Dajin, then talk to the soul:" I know you miss her, but you have your business and she has hers; your staying with her have bad influence on her since this is not your world. Enjoy the foods, take the money, then leave her and pursue your own business."
    My granny ask me bow to the gods three times and jump three times. Then drink some water in the bowl in front of the gods, my grandma sprinkle the water on my head, my face my chest, my back, my hand and my whole body. I should not try any way to dry myself.
  3. My grandma and mom leave the room with red clothe covered their head, while I stay in the house before then came back. My mom use a bowl of water draw half circle around the door after they step out the room; and she repeat it again after they step out the yard.
    They walk 50 steps to the west, pray to the gods to keep the soul away. My mom -the aide use the knife draw a line in front of them which means the road of coming back was cut off. They turn back and walk home without looking back.
  4. Everyone take a bite on the food shrined in front of the gods after they came back. That's the end of the whole ritual.
    I was asked not to pass by the west in the following day, because the soul are still wondering their and waiting for me. In fact, it will try some way to entice me there.
That's all the ritual of dispel a soul.
My grandma also told me that I was marked by gods long time ago. I should go to the temple to follow the gods or have myself relieved.


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