At the dusk, the wind started to blow and the daylight became dark. I picked up the washed screen window and put it back. A phrase came to my mind that 天要下雨,娘要嫁人,由他去吧(The heaven rains, the mothers marry, just let it go)while walking in the room. I was quite confused the first time I saw it. why should mothers marry somebody? especially in ancient times! Divorce is quite rare in that time, and even widows seldom re-marry. However, the 娘 does not mean mother ,but girls(姑娘) at that time. In Tang and Song dynasty, girls are addressed as 娘, 大娘 eldest girl, and 二娘 for secondary elder girl. It also explained the name of a famous poet: 公孙大娘舞剑。 Which means sword dance of a young lady whose is the eldest girl of Gongsun family, instead of an middle age lady whose name is Gongsun. Note: 小娘子 means un-married ladies in Tang and Song Dynasty. ----- 傍晚时候,忽地风急天暗,收了在洗的纱窗,重新装回到窗户上去。走到屋门口的时候,忽然就想起了这么句话来:天要下雨,娘要嫁人,由他去吧。第一次见到这么个说法的时候,心中是十分费解的,娘为什么要嫁人呢?况且在古代,离婚是极少见的,便是寡妇也不是都要改嫁的。 其实这句话里的"娘...
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