Dawn of Crafting: Though named with Crafting, it feels like more puzzle

Game link: https://goo.gl/jf1ahv 

I knew this game via reddit. I watched the video and screenshot and read the gameplay, and thought ”Wow, It’s looks cool I should try it!” It is pay-to-play game and I really hesitated a while because I seldom pay for games, unless I love it lot.
I found Dawn of Crafting really additive. I purchased in a Friday and spent all weekend on it. Indeed, I played over 40+ hours according the statics. I told me that I’ll sleep after I unlock one recipe, then I find another to unlock. So, it keeps me awake for long.

Doc is about the story how a Homo sapiens become a master of crating. So, of course the core is crafting items.
But unlike most crafting games, all recipes in this game are hidden from players, and you need to figure out how to craft thins by using the knowledge you learnt in real world.

We all know that we could get a peeled stick by peel sticks with knife. And so does in game, you could craft peeled stick with knife & stick. And so with crushing walnut with hammer & skinning animals with knife.

So you can take advantage in this game if you are good at hand-making in real world. LOL

Once noticed I can’t eat uncrushed, I realized the importance of tools. A hammer would be much better than stones, at least for my fingers!
Our mentor- Alf taught me how to make basic hammers: tied a stone to a stick with vines. But vines are not durable. They are fragile after dried and humid vines could rot.
I need to think hard to figure out how to make a better and durable hammer! 

Since the vine is the weak part, replace it with stronger materials sounds quite reasonable. I replace vines with vine slopes, the hammer becomes better. The sticks become the weak part this time, because it is hard to fix the stone to a rough stick. I replaced with peeled stick and got better hammer again!
So, could I improve it more?

Now, I’ve got enough food and tools, but as a player from China, how can I bare eating raw food? Only delicious meals could be my choice!
Everything start from basic, so with my skills with food. Let’s start from the easiest: how to eat bananas! (I robbed monkeys and got lots bananas! And I must eat them up before they start to rot!)
There are five ways to eat a banana in this game: 1. Eat it raw (with its skin!) 2. Peel and eat! 3. Slice peeled bananas (suit for kids) 4. Crush peeled bananas (good for elders) 5. Toast peeled bananas (Need a fire)
Long hours have passed after I figured out all ways to eat bananas! But exploring unknown is the most wonderful part in games, isn’t it?
But, there are surely lots things to explore in this game, since developers are fans of squirrel, which are all skilled in hiding stuffs.

There are 16 skills, 300+ recipes and hundreds of items which I don't want to count. So lots things to collect!

The story in game is also thoughtful.
Alf may promise you millions of bananas for helping him rebuild village, but he won’t really give you what he promised.
You might meet a philosopher around who is wondering if we are avatars in children’s games.
You could also meet the little red hood who has eaten the wolf which ate her grandma, it is better not think too much about this……

This is surely a creative game I have played.


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