
Dawn of Crafting: Though named with Crafting, it feels like more puzzle

Game link:   I knew this game via reddit. I watched the video and screenshot and read the gameplay, and thought ”Wow, It’s looks cool ! I should try it! ” It is pay-to-play game and I really hesitated a while because I seldom pay for games, unless I love it lot. I found Dawn of Crafting really additive. I purchased in a Friday and spent all weekend on it. Indeed, I played over 40+ hours according the statics. I told me that I’ll sleep after I unlock one recipe, then I find another to unlock. So, it keeps me awake for long. Doc is about the story how a Homo sapiens become a master of crating. So, of course the core is crafting items. But unlike most crafting games, all recipes in this game are hidden from players, and you need to figure out how to craft thins by using the knowledge you learnt in real world. We all know that we could get a peeled stick by peel sticks with knife. And so does in game, you could craft peeled stick with knife ...

Shadowsocks 已停止工作 如何处理?Shadowsocks stops working

Shadowsocks 已停止工作 如何处理? 今天重装了电脑,要重新配置 shadowsocks ,但是发现 3.0 以上版本会出现“ shadowsocks 已停止工作”的对话框, 2.5 的版本可以正常运行,但是无法识别 3.4 的二维码。 百度之后并没有对题的解决方案,外网搜索,有人说是因为 .net framework 新版本没有装的缘故。 于是安装最新的 .net framework 4.7 ,之后 shadowsocks 可以正常运行。 值得注意的是, .net framework 4.7 可能无法安装,出现不支持的情况。 微软 官网 给出了具体的解决方案,我对应的情况是缺乏必要更新。官网安装 Windoes6.1-KB4019990-x86.msu 后,方可继续安装 .net framework 4.7. How to deal with  "Shadowsocks stops working"? I re-installed my OS, Then I find shadowsocks would popup dialogs"Shadowsocks stops working" in version higher than 3.0. Ver 2.5 works fine, however ver 3.4 can't recognize my QR code. I searched it and realized that it is caused by missing latest .net framework. After installed .net framework 4.7, my shadowsocks works fine. Note: .net framework 4.7 might be unable to install because of un-support. The solution could be found on Microsoft 's website. On my computer, the reason is some essential update in missing. I should install...

【Word Meaning Changing】天要下雨,娘要嫁人(The heaven rains, and the mothers marry)

 At the dusk, the wind started to blow and the daylight became dark. I picked up the washed screen window and put it back. A phrase came to my mind that 天要下雨,娘要嫁人,由他去吧(The heaven rains, the mothers marry, just let it go)while walking in the room. I was quite confused the first time I saw it. why should mothers marry somebody? especially in ancient times! Divorce is quite rare in that time, and even widows seldom re-marry. However, the 娘 does not mean mother ,but girls(姑娘) at that time. In Tang and Song dynasty, girls are addressed as 娘, 大娘 eldest girl, and 二娘 for secondary elder girl. It also explained the name of a famous poet: 公孙大娘舞剑。 Which means sword dance of a young lady whose is the eldest girl of Gongsun family, instead of an middle age lady whose name is Gongsun. Note: 小娘子 means un-married ladies in Tang and Song Dynasty. ----- 傍晚时候,忽地风急天暗,收了在洗的纱窗,重新装回到窗户上去。走到屋门口的时候,忽然就想起了这么句话来:天要下雨,娘要嫁人,由他去吧。第一次见到这么个说法的时候,心中是十分费解的,娘为什么要嫁人呢?况且在古代,离婚是极少见的,便是寡妇也不是都要改嫁的。 其实这句话里的"娘...

【Translation】You Are Mentally Ill Vs. You Have a Mental Illness: Knowing the Difference | Tales of Manic Depression

来源:       作者:ERICA LOBERG     你是什么或你有什么。它们之间有什么区别?对你及我们生活的世界究竟意味着什么?人们怎样回应那些表述精神疾病的语言?你有什么与你是什么之间有什么差别?比如说,我被诊断有II型双向障碍。有些人会说"哦,你有躁狂抑郁症。"或是"哦,你是躁狂抑郁症。"最近,我开始思考这两种相近措辞之间的细微差异。人们说你是什么的时候,更倾向于对你定义。你倾向于把自己看作疾病,尽管它只是你许多特质之一。当说你有什么的时候,暗示着除了你的精神疾病之外,你还有许多的其它的特质;不对你定义歧视。当你说你是什么的时候,你可能忽视了可能并没有这回事的事实。你的精神疾病只是你的一部分,而不是你的所有。它并不能定义你。 记住:无论别人怎么评价你或称呼你,无论你的精神诊断是什么,它都只是你的一个方面。人类是非常复杂的,包含很多随个人体验而不停变化的人格特质。具体来说,承受的精神疾病之苦带来的变化,不可能让你成为一个精神健康世界之外人群所无法理解的精神病人。因此,简单来说,你是精神疾病只是一个方便的头衔。当你说你是一个病人时,这就阻止人们接受关于精神健康的教育,可能会导致你把定义为病人。记住这些,并注意他人的措辞。成为什么和拥有什么之间大有差异。明白这点差异可以帮你理解精神健康体验,帮你意识到当别人说你是什么只会加重孤独感,增加其烙印,并妨碍了社会群体学习精神健康的能力。 不得不说的是,无论你是否是精神病者,每个人都有点什么,但没有人是什么。 You Are Mentally Ill Vs. You Have a Mental Illness: Knowing the Difference | Tales of Manic Depression From:       By: ERICA LOBERG     You are something or you have something. What is the difference and what does that mean to you and the wor...

【Traditional Chinese rituals】Get rid of ghost in Chinese way

My grandma told me she sensed a soul of past people staying in my body, and then she ignited several(there plus one) incense sticks to draw the god's attention, asked many questions about the soul and its requirement to leave while using many sticks as sign of answer. Four dishes and ten Dajin (a kind of processed paper, which is used as money in the past world) are required, and we should send it 50 steps to the west.     We held the ritual at about 11pm to avoid meeting other people. Requirements of the ritual: several censers, incense sticks, ten Dajin, many dishes( seven this time, attention: no meat if your family god are Buddha), a mental basin to burn the paper, many chopsticks, several bowls of water, a knife, one red clothe each person. Ignite the incense sticks in front of the gods, put on the dishes and a bowl of water. My family enshrine all gods in the world, Kwan-yin (the Buddha named Avalokitesvara in Sanskrit), and Chairman Mao. We do not have the tabe...

【Chinese to English】Lao Zi(老子)

二十七章 Chapter 27 By: 老子 By: Lao Zi 善行无辙迹 Those skilled in traveling left no trace to be trailed. 善言无瑕谪 Those skilled in speaking left no flaw to be questioned. 善数不用筹策 Those skilled in counting never need a calculator. 善毕无观楗而不可开 Those skilled in shutting never need a bolt. 善结无绳约而不可解 Those skilled in binding never need a rope.     是以圣人常善救人 Thus, the sages help everyone, 故无弃人 No abandonment. 常善救物 The sages accept everything. 故无弃物 No rejection. 是谓袭明 This is the inner wisdom.     故善人者 Thus, those perfects. 不善人之师 Teachers of imperfects. 不善人者 Those imperfects. 善人之资 Examples of perfects. 不贵其师 If thou never respect thy teachers, 不爱其资 or thou never value thy examples, 虽智大迷 Though smart thou look like but a fool. 是谓要妙 That is the secret of perfection.

【Chinese Flower Distinguish】牡丹和芍药 Peony & Chinese herb Peony

仲春时节正是各种花卉次第开放的季节,"花王"——牡丹和"花相"——芍药正是其中的佼佼者。 Though there are numerous flowers blooming in late spring, peony and Chinese herb peony are among the most beautiful and meaningful ones, actually they are honored as the king and the prime minister of flowers in Chinese culture.     但是,你是否能够分得清楚这两种不同的花卉呢? Could you distinguish these two beauties  from flowers' world?       其实,它们有很多的不同: They can be differentiated by several traits.     牡丹 Peony 芍药 Chinese Herb Peony 叶子 Leaves 顶端分叉 lobed leaves,like Trident 顶端不分叉 Like common leaves 花序 inflorescence  一朵花开于顶端 One on the top 多朵花 Many on the top 开花时间 Blossoming 四月下旬 Late April 五月上旬 Early May 茎 Stem 木质茎 Woody 草本茎 Herb     叶子: 牡丹的叶子前端分叉,而芍药不分。 花序:牡丹,一朵花独生枝头;芍药为多朵花,且花形略小。 花期: 牡丹为四月下旬,芍药为五月上旬。当然还要考虑当地环境气候。 茎:芍药为草本茎,而牡丹为木本茎。故"牡丹"亦有木芍药之称。       ...