
Showing posts from May, 2014

【Chinese to English】Lao Zi(老子)

二十七章 Chapter 27 By: 老子 By: Lao Zi 善行无辙迹 Those skilled in traveling left no trace to be trailed. 善言无瑕谪 Those skilled in speaking left no flaw to be questioned. 善数不用筹策 Those skilled in counting never need a calculator. 善毕无观楗而不可开 Those skilled in shutting never need a bolt. 善结无绳约而不可解 Those skilled in binding never need a rope.     是以圣人常善救人 Thus, the sages help everyone, 故无弃人 No abandonment. 常善救物 The sages accept everything. 故无弃物 No rejection. 是谓袭明 This is the inner wisdom.     故善人者 Thus, those perfects. 不善人之师 Teachers of imperfects. 不善人者 Those imperfects. 善人之资 Examples of perfects. 不贵其师 If thou never respect thy teachers, 不爱其资 or thou never value thy examples, 虽智大迷 Though smart thou look like but a fool. 是谓要妙 That is the secret of perfection.

【Chinese Flower Distinguish】牡丹和芍药 Peony & Chinese herb Peony

仲春时节正是各种花卉次第开放的季节,"花王"——牡丹和"花相"——芍药正是其中的佼佼者。 Though there are numerous flowers blooming in late spring, peony and Chinese herb peony are among the most beautiful and meaningful ones, actually they are honored as the king and the prime minister of flowers in Chinese culture.     但是,你是否能够分得清楚这两种不同的花卉呢? Could you distinguish these two beauties  from flowers' world?       其实,它们有很多的不同: They can be differentiated by several traits.     牡丹 Peony 芍药 Chinese Herb Peony 叶子 Leaves 顶端分叉 lobed leaves,like Trident 顶端不分叉 Like common leaves 花序 inflorescence  一朵花开于顶端 One on the top 多朵花 Many on the top 开花时间 Blossoming 四月下旬 Late April 五月上旬 Early May 茎 Stem 木质茎 Woody 草本茎 Herb     叶子: 牡丹的叶子前端分叉,而芍药不分。 花序:牡丹,一朵花独生枝头;芍药为多朵花,且花形略小。 花期: 牡丹为四月下旬,芍药为五月上旬。当然还要考虑当地环境气候。 茎:芍药为草本茎,而牡丹为木本茎。故"牡丹"亦有木芍药之称。       ...

University Motto Collections of most Chinese Universities

北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国 进步 民主 科学 Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science 清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息 厚德载物 Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment 武汉大学(前身建于1893年):自强 弘毅 求是 拓新 Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations 天津大学(创建于1895年):实事求是 Tianjin University (founded in 1895): Seek Truth from Facts 浙江大学(创建于1897年):求是创新 Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative 山东大学(创建于1901年):气有浩然 学无止境 Shandong University (founded in 1901): Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge 南京大学(创建于1902年):诚朴雄伟 励学敦行 Nanjing University (founded in 1902): Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely 北京师范大学(创建于1902年):学为人师 行为世范 Beijing Normal University (founded in 1902): Learn to be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person 东南大学(创建于1902年):止于至善 Southeast University (founded in 1902): Strive for Perfection 复旦大学(始建于1905年)...